
Nursing higher education has new challenges to prepare nursing students as agents of change in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. Nursing students today are millennial and Z generation with unique needs and ways of learning. Students more interested in digital-based learning media. Digital-based learning methods were an urgent need to be developed to provide solutions to the learning needs of the millennial generation. The systematic review aimed to discuss the use of VR technology for educating the nursing student. The databases searched included: PubMed, Springerlink and Proquest from the years 2015 to 2019 with the keywords virtual reality, virtual simulation, simulation technology, immersive learning. The inclusion criteria included: articles published in the English language, student respondents and randomized controlled trial (RCT) research methods. The results of article was identified and reviewed by 3 researchers. Researchers approved 158 titles of article that match the keywords without duplicates and 5 articles that match the inclusion criteria. Four articles discuss the students' competencies when using virtual simulations compared with the manikin simulated. The results showed an increase in psychomotor skills, communication, and knowledge. Self-confidence increases, learning satisfaction and anxiety levels decrease. Two articles discuss the analysis of the unit cost, which states that the virtual simulation has cost utility ratio more profitable compared with the Manikin simulations. The results of the systematic review showed that virtual reality was relevant method as a learning strategy to enhance students’ competencies and have more profitable costs compared to conventional methods.


  • Nursing higher education has new challenges to prepare nursing students as agents of change in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0

  • The systematic review aimed to discuss the use of Virtual reality (VR) technology for educating the nursing student

  • The inclusion criteria included: articles published in the English language, student respondents and randomized controlled trial (RCT) research methods

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Dampak simulasi virtual pada kompetensi dan penampilan klinis

Bentuk simulasi virtual di keperawatan telah membantu menjembatani kesenjangan antara teori dan keputusan klinis dalam memberikan asuhan keperawatan yang bebas risiko bagi pasien dan mahasiswa. Menyatakan bahwa simulasi virtual klinis meningkatkan retensi pengetahuan dan penalaran klinis serta meningkatkan kepuasan mahasiswa dalam pembelajaran. Simulasi virtual memungkinkan peningkatan 20,4% dalam retensi pengetahuan dan penalaran klinis mahasiswa dalam konteks penelitian. Efek dari penggunaan simulasi virtual klinis sebagai strategi pedagogis dalam meningkatkan retensi pengetahuan dan penalaran klinis dan tingkat kepuasan siswa menunjukkan kecocokan dengan fitur mahasiswa keperawatan abad kedua puluh satu yang menunjukkan minat pada penggunaan simulasi virtual klinis (Padilha, et al, 2018). Penelitian ini sejalan dengan studi Berman (2016), simulasi virtual klinis merupakan strategi pembelajaran interaktif yang memberikan motivasi dan kepuasan intrinsik mahasiswa, dan berfokus pada penerapan pengetahuan dasar yang berorientasi pada tantangan pembelajaran klinis. Sebuah fitur yang memungkinkan adanya peningkatan luar biasa dalam jumlah mahasiswa yang dapat mengikuti pelatihan individu dan pengurangan yang signifikan dalam biaya simulasi yang digunakan setiap mahasiwa (Padilha, 2019). Penggunaan pasien virtual dapat meningkatkan kemampuan mahasiswa dalam penalaran klinis (Padilha, 2018)

Dampak simulasi virtual pada biaya
Simulator virtual klinis dalam penelitian
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