
Reading skills in elementary school are the foundation of student learning success. Unfortunately, the reading skill of elementary school students in Indonesia has a low tendency. The result of PIRLS research shows that the reading skill of fourth grade students of elementary school in Indonesia ranks 41 out of 45 countries. The results of EGRA’s research show that 50% of the 4323 third graders of elementary school in Indonesia can read, but only half of that number who really understand what is read. Based on these facts, it is required an effort to improve the reading skills of elementary school students in Indonesia. One effort that can be done to improve the reading skills of elementary school students is through DEAR (Drop Everything and Read) which means leave all the activity and read. DEAR can be used as a program of reading habit among students through routine program. Implementation of DEAR in elementary school can be done by taking a moment in the morning at about 15-30 minutes to leave all activity to read. DEAR is implemented by all school residents whether students, teachers, or employees. The reading material in DEAR is self-selected by students who match their interests and ability levels. DEAR makes students happy to read, like reading, accustomed to reading, and make reading as a requirement so as to create a culture of reading in each student either in school or at home. Through DEAR students’ reading skills will increase.

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