
Conducted on the students of UN PGRI Kediri on IPS learning, found some obstacles in the practice of IPS learning that many students who play games, then when the lecturer asked questions about social phenomena in the surrounding community, students are less responsive to the problems that occur today. In learning the students do a little questioning about social phenomena, they just sit, shut up, listen and many are out of the classroom. Students' learning outcomes about social phenomena are also less satisfactory. Seen from some grades of student assignment, still at 52% or below KKM (70%). Observing the constraints, the researchers identified that the ability to analyze the social phenomenon of students on IPS learning is low, because the use of learning models that are less in accordance with the study materials of social phenomena, so that students are tired in learning and find difficulties in understanding the content and less able to analyze the causes, further impacts, and solutions of social phenomena presented by lecturers. Based on the above, the researcher intends to conduct classroom action research to improve the ability to analyze social phenomena by applying Problem Based Learning model (PBL)


  • Abstrak - Hasil observasi yang dilakukan pada mahasiswa UN PGRI Kediri pada pembelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial (IPS), ditemukan beberapa kendala dalam praktik pembelajaran IPS yakni mahasiswa banyak yang bermain game, kemudian ketika dosen memberikan pertanyaan mengenai fenomena sosial di lingkungan masyarakat sekitar, mahasiswa kurang tanggap terhadap permasalahan yang terjadi saat ini

  • found some obstacles in the practice of IPS learning that many students who play games

  • students are less responsive to the problems that occur today

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Narkoba adalah salah satu momok Bangsa 25 Mahasiswa mampu

Indonesia yang sampai saat ini belum bisa mendeskripsikan 3 teratasi secara tuntas. Ada 3 faktor (alasan) faktor pemicu yang dapat dikatakan sebagai “Pemicu”. Penyalahgunaan seseorang dalam penyalahgunaan narkoba narkoba dengan yakni faktor diri, faktor lingkungan/pergaulan, dihubungkan dengan 4 dan kesediaan narkoba itu sendiri. Bagaimana fenomena sosial tersebut mendeskripsikan 2 dipandang dari kajian ilmu sosiologi, faktor pemicu antropologi, psikologi sosial dan hukum?. 15 mendeskripsikan 1 faktor pemicu penyalahgunaan narkoba dengan dihubungkan dengan 2 mapel.

Anak jalanan atau anak punk adalah 25 komunitas anak muda yang menyukai dunia
10 Mahasiswa menjawab semua pertanyaan namun jawabannya kurang tepat
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