
IMPROVEMENT OF DIGITAL LITERACY ABILITY FOR GRADE 4 AND 5 STUDENTS OF SDN TANJAKAN 3, TANGERANG REGENCY. Digital information resources are very abundant, due to advances in information technology and the internet. The current condition of students in Indonesia, which is a digital native generation, has a high dependence on information retrieval on the internet. Aside from the internet having a positive impact, the internet also has a negative side and that information can spread quickly on the internet. Digital literacy is needed to teach children the basics of socializing and digital security so they can explore the digital world safely and confidently. The subjects of this study were elementary school students in Tanjakan Village, Rajeg, Tangerang. This study uses a practical pragmatic theoretical approach that directs children to learn in groups and together solve each problem. The result of this service program is that digital literacy is carried out according to the desired target, and participants gain insight into information and communication technology and the use of the internet in a healthy and safe manner. With the right internet training, it is expected to avoid the dangers of the internet from the negative side. Participants already know tips on how to find a true or fake news on an internet website, and can surf safely and healthily. Based on the evaluation, participants of SDN Tanjakan 3 understood the material that had been delivered and agreed to use a healthy and safe internet.



  • This study uses a practical pragmatic theoretical approach that directs children to learn in groups and together solve each problem

  • The result of this service program is that digital literacy is carried out according to the desired target, and participants gain insight into information and communication technology and the use of the internet in a healthy and safe manner

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Roikhan Mochamad Aziz, Muhammad Asyep Syam’aeni, Nisfina Sya’baniyah, Izzah Corrie Fatihah. Berdasarkan permasalahan di atas, kegiatan literasi digital dilaksanakan sebagai bagian dari program pendidikan dalam rangka pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilaksanakan di Desa Tanjakan. Kegiatan literasi digital diberikan sebagai pembelajaran bagi siswa kelas 4 dan 5 SDN Tanjakan 3 untuk dapat menjelajahi dunia digital dengan percaya diri dan aman serta mampu menggunakan internet sebagai media pembelajaran dengan bijak dan optimal. Digunakannya kurikulum Be Internet Awesome, sebagai media literasi digital, dimaksudkan dengan menggunakan metode ini strategi pembelajaran dapat disampaikan secara optimal. Pesarta literasi digital berjumlah 68 orang yang terdiri dari siswa kelas 4 dan 5 SDN Tanjakan 3, yang kemudian peserta dibagi kedalam empat kelompok. Pembagian kelompok diperlukan agar pencapaian materi literasi digital berlangsung dengan lancar dan siswa bisa mencapai hasil dari penyampaian materi yang dilakukan para narasumber. Dalam melakukan penyampaian materi diperlukan keaktifan dan ketertarikan siswa-siswi sebagai peserta dalam menyimak rincian materi pelatihan peningkatan literasi digital ini

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