
Purworejo Village is one of 17 villages in Suruh Subdistrict, Semarang Regency, located between Salatiga City and Boyolali Regency, with an area of ​​169.52 ha consisting of 101.14 ha of paddy fields, 9.70 ha of dry land and 58.68 ha of non-agricultural land. Agricultural problems faced include: land ownership area of ​​about 0.32 ha/family; the use of chemical/inorganic fertilizers is very high so that agricultural land becomes increasingly “sick”; high use of chemical insecticides; the threat of rat pests; farmers' knowledge is still very limited; and the involvement of farmers in farmer group activities is still very limited. On the other hand, the knowledge of farmer group administrators is also still lacking; and the type of rice produced is of medium quality so that the price is relatively cheap in the market. Due to low productivity, most of the rice yields are still used to meet family needs. Farmers have not been able and do not dare to grow organic rice with premium quality which actually has a higher price in the market. Solutions to agricultural problems are implemented through the Community Partnership Program by Increasing Empowerment and Income of Dompon Farmer Groups through Premium Organic Rice Planting and Owl Breeding (Tyto Alba). Through this PKM activity, there has been a change in the behavior of farmers in the Dompon farmer group to start planting organic crops and breeding owls so that rat pests can be avoided. Members of the Dompon Farmer Group can: 1) learn and apply environmentally friendly integrated agricultural technologies; 2) productivity and production of paddy fields increased; 3) produce premium quality organic rice products; and 4) eradicating rats in a more environmentally friendly way using owls (Tyto alba), which are natural enemies of rats.

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