
Education is a conscious and systematic effort in developing the potential of students and also an effort by the community and the nation in preparing its younger generation for the sustainability of a better life of society and nation in the future. Because education is so important, the quality and quality must be considered. The purpose of this study is to improve student learning outcomes in the material of Compiling Lane Balances for students at SMK Negeri 1 Tanjungpinang class X PKM whose learning outcomes for Basic Accounting subjects in the material compiling Lane Balance Sheets have not been satisfactory. The learning model applied in learning uses a problem-based learning model. The data collection method in this study is a test of student learning outcomes. By using a problem-based learning learning model , it is expected to be able to improve student learning outcomes, this can be seen from the increase in learning outcomes achieved in cycle 1 with an average of 79.35 increasing to 95.25 in cycle 2. The conclusion of this study is that through a problem-based learning model , student learning outcomes in the material for Compiling Lane Balances in class X PKM in the even semester of SMK Negeri 1 Tanjungpinang TP 2021/2022 increased.

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