
Market Appeal Robusticity Matrix is ​​an effective assessment of cultural heritage assets to evaluate the potential market appeal and management of cultural heritage tourism (robusticity). It is important to determine appropriate policies and frameworks for better planning decisions in the future. This study aims to describe the preservation of cultural heritage at the Puppet Museum and analyze the valuation of cultural heritage assets at the Puppet Museum, Jakarta Old Town using Market Appeal-Robusticity Matrix. The research design used is qualitative analysis of Market Appeal-Robusticity Matrix. The results of this study have described the preservation of cultural heritage in the Museum, protection is done through maintenance and restoration, development is done by adding value to cultural heritage buildings by making it a Puppet Museum and the use of cultural heritage buildings is done by considering the interests of religion, social, culture and society . Preservation has been well implemented and adapted to the regulations of Law number 11 of 2010 concerning Cultural Heritage. Whereas the valuation of cultural heritage assets yields the value of the market attractiveness of the High Puppet Museum with a score of 51 and the resilience value of the building of the Medium Puppet Museum with a score of 40. In this assessment the Puppet Museum is in the "A1" category which means high market attractiveness and moderate resilience.


  • Abstrak Market Appeal Robusticity Matrix merupakan penilaian aset warisan budaya yang efektif untuk mengevaluasi potensi daya tarik pasar dan pengelolaan wisata warisan budaya

  • Market Appeal Robusticity Matrix is an effective assessment of cultural heritage assets to evaluate the potential market appeal and management of cultural heritage tourism

  • This study aims to describe the preservation of cultural heritage at the Puppet Museum and analyze the valuation of cultural heritage assets at the Puppet Museum, Jakarta Old Town using Market Appeal-Robusticity Matrix

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Adanya potensi kerjasama berkelanjutan para pengelola Museum Wayang

Adanya kemungkinan dampak negatif (karena kunjungan yang tinggi di Museum Wayang) terhadap: a. B1 dan B2 mewakili daya tarik pasar yang tinggi hingga sedang tetapi rendah dalam ketahanan sehingga pendekatan manajemen adalah untuk memastikan bahwa kunjungan tidak akan merusak nilai-nilai budaya aset. Konservasi juga dilakukan pada lantai bangunan Museum Wayang di lantai dua yang menggunakan kayu karena telah rapuh dimakan usia. Wayang juga dapat dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat untuk kegiatan lain seperti syuting ataupun pemotretan dengan ketentuan yang diatur dalam Peraturan Daerah nomor 1 tahun 2015 tentang Tarif Retribusi Pelayanan Kebudayaan dan Permuseuman. Penilaian Aset Warisan Budaya Museum Wayang Penilaian aset warisan budaya yang dibagi menjadi dua bagian, yang pertama adalah sektor pariwisata yang didalamnya terdapat penilaian terhadap Market Appeal (daya tarik pasar), dan Product design needs (nilai pariwisata) atraksi wisata budaya Museum Wayang dan penilaian kedua mengenai pengelolaan warisan budaya yang didalamnya terdapat penilaian terhadap Cultural Significance (nilai budaya) dan Robusticity (nilai fisik) yang terkait dengan bangunan. Pembobotan nilai market appeal-robusticity matrix Sektor Pariwisata Museum Wayang

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