
abstract – The penicillin V concentration in the blood flow from extraction wounds was assayed after oral administration of phenoxymethyl penicillin. The penicillin concentration in cubital vein blood was determined for comparison. In addition, the effect of various local anesthetics on the alveolar penicillin concentration was studied in connection with oral administration. The concentration of penicillin in the blood flow from the extraction wound was usually lower than the concentration in cubital vein blood. This tendency seemed to persist also when the interval between the intake of penicillin and the withdrawal of blood was prolonged. When a vasoconstrictor‐free agent (Carbocain Dental® 3 %) was used, attention was drawn to the strikingly high alveolar penicillin concentration. No differences between different groups of teeth in the mandible were observed. A peak in the penicillin concentrations was attained in the cubital vein blood and alveolar blood within 20–30 min from oral intake.

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