
This research was conducted Pangandaran District, Pangandaran Regency. The purpose of this study was to analyze the existing social conditions and to performe system analyze of social capital to be used as a strategy to improve the economy and the capacity of households of fishermen. The data was collected through the secondary data obtained from goverment offices and primary data was generated from interviews with fishermen household, village governments, and institutions or social organizations associated with fishing. The research instrument used is Social Capital Assessment Tool (SOCAT). Data were analyzed using descriptive qualitative method. Social capital research was assessed based on the profession similarity. The results showed that social capital was presumably beneficial for fishermen households by boosting the economy level and welfare as well as their capacity building. Institutions or social organizations in the village of Pangandaran namely Business Group (KUB), the Regional Commissioner (Komda), Rukun Fisherman (RN), the Fishermen Association of Indonesia (HNSI), and the Village Unit Cooperatives (KUD). Institutions or institutional activity may stimulate the further development and productivity of the coastal community. As most of the coastal communities depend on the limited marine resources, social capital strengthening can be a promising approach for expansion and development of existing networks. The strategy can be applied was the involvement of other family members to participate on any form of institutional bodies dedicated for coastal community.Keywords : social capital, coastal, fishermen households


  • This research was conducted Pangandaran District, Pangandaran Regency

  • The results showed that social capital was presumably beneficial for fishermen households by boosting the economy level and welfare as well as their capacity building

  • Identifikasi dan Analisis Modal Sosial dalam Rangka Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Nelayan Desa Gangga Dua Kabupaten Minahas Utara

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Masyarakat pesisir merupakan masyarakat yang identik dengan nelayan sebagai profesi utama dan sangat bergantung pada sumber daya laut. Pantai Pangandaran merupakan wilayah pesisir dan berbatasan dengan laut lepas, sehingga kawasan tersebut memiliki potensi di bidang perikanan yang cukup besar. Kesejahteraan nelayan di kawasan Pantai Pangandaran dinilai masih kurang, hal ini dapat dilihat dari kemampuan nelayan yang tingkat pemanfaatan kekayaan lautnya hanya 15% dari total potensi kekayaan laut yang ada (Nurdiansyah, 2015). Untuk mengurangi dampak dari masalah tersebut, pemanfaatan modal sosial yang ada pada masyarakat dapat dijadikan solusi untuk meningkatkan perekonomian nelayan. Pemanfaatan dan penguatan modal sosial yang ada pada masyarakat kawasan Pantai Pangandaran dapat dijadikan sebuah strategi untuk meningkatkan perekonomian nelayan di kawasan tersebut. Dalam penelitian ini akan mendiskripsikan gambaran modal sosial yang ada pada masyarakat nelayan dan bagaimana strategi memanfaatkan modal sosial yang ada tersebut untuk dapat meningkatkan perekonomian nelayan.

Konsep modal sosial
Rumah tangga nelayan
Metode Penelitian
Gambaran umum lokasi penelitian
Karakteristik nelayan desa Pangandaran
Institusi dan kelembagaan sosial
Modal sosial dan pemanfaatannya di desa Pangandaran
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