
One of the leading sectors of commodities mainstay of West Kalimantan which have a comparative advantage, especially in the city and district of North Pontianak is aloe vera. Aloe vera usually processed and sale only in the form of raw material and provide little added economic value to society. The purpose of this study is knowing and producing effervescent granules with the best formulations as a health drink; and knowing and determining the economic value and feasibility level production of effervescent granules as a busniess unit. The result of this study indicate that, based on the soluble time test aloe vera effervescent granules are not eligible. Effervescent granules solubility test is qualified. Water content test of aloe vera effervescent granules is qualified. Flow time test of aloe vera effervescent granules is qualified. Meanwhile, based on the analysis of the calcualtion of the increase in economic value by using the calculation of Net Present Value (NPV), Net Benefit Cost Ratio (Net B/C), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Payback Period (PP) and the Discounted Payback (DPB) expresses feasible to increase the economic value of public income.


  • One of the leading sectors of commodities mainstay of West Kalimantan which have a comparative advantage, especially in the city and district of North Pontianak is aloe vera

  • The result of this study indicate that, based on the soluble time test aloe vera effervescent granules are not eligible

  • Indonesian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, 1(1)

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Kalimantan Barat yang memiliki keunggulan komparatif, terutama di Kota Pontianak Utara dan Kabupaten Pontianak. Hasil produksi lidah buaya saat ini hanya sebagian kecil yang dimanfaatkan atau olahan terbatas di Kalimantan Barat khusunya Kota Pontianak selebihnya hasil produksi lidah dikirim atau dijual pada perusahaan agro industri di luar Kalimantan Barat, sehingga akibat hasil olahan terbatas dan penjualan keluar hanya dalam bentuk bahan baku hanya akan memberikan sedikit nilai tambah atau nilai ekonomis bagi masyarakat. Salah satu yang dapat dilakukan pada tanaman Lidah Buaya (aloe vera) adalah melakukan pemanfaatan mengenai tanaman lidah buaya yang diolah menjadi minuman penyegar yang memberikan efek kesehatan. Berdasarkan penjelasan tersebut, maka memungkinkan dilakukannya sebuah penelitian mengenai “Pengolahan Lidah Buaya (Aloe Vera) Menjadi Granul Effervescent sebagai Minuman Kesehatan dan Analisis Peningkatan Nilai Ekonomisnya”

Granul Effervescent
Metode Pembuatan Granul Effervescent
Hasil Granul
Nilai Ekonomis dan Penilaian Kelayakan Usaha
Pembuatan Granul Effervescent
Uji Aliran Granul Effervescent
Penentuan Kadar Air Granul
Uji Waktu Larut
Uji Kelarutan
Uji Mutu Fisik Granul Effervescent Lidah Buaya
Skala produksi
Kendala produksi
Kebutuhan dana dan sumbernya
Analisis Pulang Pokok
Aenr alisis Efisiensi Usaha
Full Text
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