
Skin disease is the most common disease and the fastest to infect the human body. This happens because the skin is the first organ to receive external stimuli in the form of touch, temperature and other stimuli. Skin diseases consist of several types that have almost the same color and texture with the naked eye. Thus, an approach is needed to identify the type of skin disease with the help of an image processing system, and an artificial neural network. The identification method used in this research is Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). The infected skin image is used as an input image for image processing. Before being identified, image preprocessing is done, namely resizing, grayscalling, using the Convolutional Neural Network method. The testing process in this study uses 70 types of skin disease images, validation data and 35 types of skin disease images for testing data. The results of this study are the Convolutional Neural Network method can recognize each type of skin disease image with an accuracy of 98% in the validation testing process and 85% in the testing process.
 Keywords : Skin disease, Convolutional Neural Network, Digital Image Processing

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