
The Internet is part of the development of technology, where the internet provides many impacts, both positive and negative. Currently, privacy issues on the internet have also become a complicated legal issue, this is due to quite a number of privacy-related issues, but not all countries in the world manage privacy issues on the internet. As a means of communicating the Internet has introduced e-mail that provides convenience and practicality. But in its development e-mail has an adverse impact on its users in the form of e-mail spam. In terms of its actions, sending spam e-mail is quite a disadvantage, even violate the privacy. Some countries have also set it to one type of cybercrime (cybercrime). This research will discuss e-mail spam in Indonesia, how the legislation in Indonesia see the action of this spam e-mail, is there any possibility of spam e-mail is criminalized as a cybercrime. The research will also look at how spam e-mails violate privacy and review and analyze internet privacy settings in Indonesia in relation to the criminalization of spam email.

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