
The purpose of study was to describe the level of student learning in reading learning outcomes in Indonesian subjects using the syllable method for first-grade students at SDN Tlogomas 2 Malang City. This study used the Classroom Action Research (PTK) method, which consisted of two cycles, each cycle held 2 class meetings. The approach in this research is descriptive qualitative. The subjects of this study were all first-grade students at SDN Tlogomas 2 Malang City totaly of 20 of them 11 male students and 9 female students. Data collection techniques in this study used observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that: (1) the application of the Syllable learning method in cycle 1 meeting 1 presentation 65.00% with sufficient category, the second meeting 75.00% with good category, and in the implementation of cycle II meeting one presentation 85.00% with good category, second meeting 92.05% with very good category. (2) the improvement of Indonesian learning outcomes by using the syllable learning method in Indonesian subjects, cycle 1 meeting one presentation was 50% completeness, with an average score of 67.5%, while in the second meeting, the presentation was 60% completeness, with an average score 69% than in the implementation of cycle II experienced an increase at the first meeting the percentage of completeness was 70% with an average value of 79.5%, and at the second meeting the percentage of completeness was 80% with an average value of 85%. Therefore it can be concluded that using the syllable method in the learning process it can increase the activity and learning outcomes of Indonesian students in class I SDN Tlogomas 2 Malang.

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