
The Yellow Book is an identity and is the main focus in Islamic boarding school education, but the material is not easy to learn. Therefore, PP Lubbul Labib Banat I Kedungsari adopted a new method from PP Sidogiri Pasuruan, namely Al-Miftah Lil Ulum since 2017. This research aims to determine the process of using the Al-Miftah method starting from planning, implementing and evaluating it. This research uses a case study qualitative research type with data collection techniques; observation, interview, and documentation. The subjects studied were 31 students and 7 teachers. Meanwhile, to check the validity of the data using source triangulation. The results of the research show that at each stage there are several discussions, namely; At the planning stage include; learning objectives and experiences, determining learning activities, the people involved, materials, facilities and evaluation planning. The implementation stage concerns activities during the learning process; opening, apperception, giving new material, training, ending learning evaluation. At the evaluation stage it is divided into 2 namely for students and teachers. During the use of this method, the learning process has been running quite well and effectively. The indicators in this study are grammar and writing.

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