
This study aims to find: 1) learning outcomes of students who use the media environment in Integrated Science lessons in class VIII SMP N 1 Cibiuk; 2) learning outcomes of students who use the Mobile Learning in Integrated Science lessons in class VIII SMP N 1 Cibiuk; and 3) the difference between the learning outcomes of students who use the media environment with students who use Mobile Learning in Integrated Science lessons in class VIII SMP N 1 Cibiuk. The method used in this study is an experimental method with a quantitative approach and research design using QuasiExperimental Design two experimental groups, the experimental group of media around the classroom environment and the experimental group Mobile Learning. The results showed: 1) student learning outcomes using the Neighborhood Media in Integrated Science lessons in class VIII SMP N 1 Cibiuk before learning of 41.17 and after learning to Rp 74.00, an increase learning outcomes in the experimental class media 0.76 surroundings are included in the high category; 2) learning outcomes of students who use the Mobile Learning in Integrated Science lessons in class VIII SMP N 1 Cibiuk before learning of 41.50 and after learning to Rp 83.83, an increase learning outcomes in the experimental class Mobile Learning at 0.8767 which is included in the high category, it can be concluded that the use of Mobile learning positive and significant effect on learning outcomes; and 3) there are differences in learning outcomes between students who use the Neighborhood Media with students who use Mobile Learning in Integrated Science lessons in class VIII SMP N 1 Cibiuk.

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