
The selection of appropriate learning media greatly affects achievement and learning outcomes, visual media such as images, videos, and animations can increase effectiveness in language learning. One of the appropriate learning media used in learning Indonesian is by using pop-up card media. This study aims to examine the use of pop-up card media in improving the learning outcomes of Indonesian language of third grade students of SDN 1 Tambakrejo through class action research. This research was conducted over two cycles involving 11 students as research subjects. The method used in this research is classroom action which consists of planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. Pop-up card media was used as a learning tool in Indonesian language teaching. Pop-up cards significantly improved the Indonesian language learning outcomes of third grade students of SDN 1 Tambakrejo. The average score and percentage of success increased from pre-cycle (60.45%), increased in cycle 1 (76.64%), until at the end of cycle 2 it significantly increased to (79.82%). In addition, this study also showed that the use of pop-up card media had a positive impact on students' interest and motivation to learn. Learners showed high enthusiasm in using pop-up cards and they showed active participation in Indonesian language learning. Based on the research that has been carried out in class III SDN 1 Tambakrejo, it is stated that the use of pop-up card media in Indonesian language lessons has a consistent increase in learning outcomes seen from the development of cycle 1 to cycle 2 by 28%.

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