
ABSTRACTMenstrual pain, or medical dysmenorrhea, is pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation and can also be felt on the hips, lower back, or thighs. The pain is convulsive (convulsions), which are felt by some women at the beginning of menstruation. Dysmenorrhoea can also be overcome non-pharmacologically, which can naturally reduce the intensity of the pain. This research is an experimental analytical research that is a research on the level of naturalness (setting) where research is in addition to survey research and naturalistic (qualitative). Essentially, experimental research is to examine the effect of the treatment on the behavior that results from the treatment. This study was conducted to determine the intensity of menstrual pain after eating dragon fruit skin juice. The first 3 months focused on reducing the intensity of pain after eating dragon fruit skin juice with a composition of 100 grams of dragon fruit skin mixed with sugar and enough water. The second 3 months focused on reducing the intensity of pain after eating dragon fruit skin juice with a composition of 200 grams of dragon fruit skin mixed with sugar and sufficient water. The third 3 months focused on reducing the intensity of pain after eating dragon fruit skin juice with a composition of 100 grams of dragon fruit skin mixed with milk and sufficient water. In addition, the study also received information on how to reduce the intensity of menstrual pain by applying non-pharmacological techniques by using dragon fruit


  • Menstrual pain, or medical dysmenorrhea, is pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation and can be felt on the hips, lower back, or thighs

  • which are felt by some women at the beginning

  • which can naturally reduce the intensity of the pain

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Menstruasi merupakan perdarahan yang teratur dari uterus sebagai tanda bahwa organ kandungan telah berfungsi matang (Kusmiran, 2012). Nyeri haid (dismenorea) umumnya dirasakan sebagian wanita pada awal masa menstruasi. Nyeri haid atau dalam istilah medis disebut dengan dismenorea merupakan rasa sakit di perut bagian bawah selama menstruasi dan juga dapat dirasakan di pinggul, punggung bawah, atau paha, rasa sakit bersifat spasmodik (kram). Penyebab Dismenorea primer belum diketahui secara jelas, rahim (uterus) pada wanita yang menglami dismenorea tetap normal. Pada wanita yang mengalami nyeri haid atau dismenorea tampaknya ada penumpukan prostaglandin dalam jumlah yang terlalu banyak, atau rahim mungkin ekstra sensitif terhadap prostaglandin. Secara nonfarmakologis diantaranya istirahat yang cukup, relaksasi dalam atau yoga, melakukan aktivitas fisik seperti olah raga, bersepeda dan senam aerobik, akupresure, mandi dengan air hangat, kompres dengan kantong air panas (bulibuli) / hangat pada bagian yang terasa nyeri, serta mengonsumsi minuman herbal (Kozier & Erb’s, 2009 & Bobak, 2005). Lenturnya pembuluh darah juga mampu mengurangi rasa nyeri di awal menstruasi

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