
Straight Line Equation material which introduces new terms such as "gradient", abstract material content, as well as supporting concepts, one of which is algebra material, are several factors that make it difficult for students to understand this material. Thus, student learning outcomes become low. The GeoGebra application which integrates algebra with geometry helps make abstract Straight Line Equations more concrete. After conducting classroom action research in class 8 of Maryam SMPIT As-Syifa Boarding School Wanareja, it was obtained that student learning outcomes increased by 16% between cycle 1 to cycle 2. Then, the percentage of learning completeness in cycle 2 increased by 4% compared to the pre-cycle, although there was a decrease between pre-cycle to cycle 1 of 12%. ABSTRAKMateri Persamaan Garis Lurus yang memperkenalkan istilah baru seperti “gradien”, isi materi yang abstrak, serta konsep pendukung salah satunya materi aljabar menjadi beberapa faktor yang membuat siswa kesulitan memahami materi ini. Dengan demikian, hasil belajar siswa menjadi rendah. Aplikasi GeoGebra yang mengintegrasikan aljabar dengan geometri membantu menjadikan Persamaan Garis Lurus yang abstrak menjadi lebih konkrit. Setelah dilakukan penelitian tindakan kelas pada kelas 8 Maryam SMPIT As-Syifa Boarding School Wanareja, diperoleh peningkatan hasil belajar siswa sebesar 16% antara siklus 1 ke siklus 2. Kemudian, presentase ketuntasan belajar pada siklus 2 meningkat sebesar 4% dibandingkan dengan pra siklus, meskipun sempat terjadi penurunan antara pra siklus ke siklus 1 sebesar 12%.

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