
This study aims to determine and describe the use of online communication tools via whatsapp group in learning dance in class X OTKP SMK Kartika 1-2 Padang. This research is a qualitative study using a descriptive approach. The object of this research was 29 students of class X OTKP SMK Kartika 1-2 Padang. The research instrument was the researcher itself and was assisted by data collection tools such as dance videos, Whatsapp groups, and direct observation with the teacher doingthe instruction by using online learning communication tools for dance learning. The results of the research show that the use of online communication tools via WhatsApp group runs very well. Students are able to learn from any source in which at this time, the students can learn through technology / mobile phones.Students can access lessons learned such as learning dance practice on YouTube. At the second and third meetings, it can be seen that students understand and can do movements without the help of the teacher, and they can memorize only through YouTube. The last meeting also shows excellent learning outcomes. However, the teacher cannot assess the extent of the students' abilities in learning due to the fact that the teacher cannot monitor directly. Instead, the teacher can only provide direction in the form of solutions through Whatsapp group. Thus, the researcher concludes that the use of online communication tools via Whatsapp group in learning dance in class X OTKP is conducted well, and it can be used in learning dance practice.Keywords: The Use, Online Communication Tools, WhatsApp Group, Dance


  • This study aims to determine and describe the use of online communication tools via whatsapp group in learning dance in class X OTKP SMK Kartika 1-2 Padang

  • Students are able to learn from any source in which at this time, the students can learn through technology / mobile phones.Students can access lessons learned such as learning dance practice on YouTube

  • The researcher concludes that the use of online communication tools via Whatsapp group in learning dance in class X OTKP is conducted well, and it can be used in learning dance practice

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Pertemuan Pertama Kegiatan awal

Sebelumnya siswa telah bergabung kedalam grup whatsapp “Keluarga X OTKP” untuk pembelajaran seni tari. Guru mengawali dengan membuka salam,selanjutnya guru menanyakan kabar dari siswa yang berada di dalam grup. Pada pertemuan ini guru melanjutkan pembelajaran dengan memberikan tugas tari nusantara dalam bentuk tari tunggal yang bisa di pelajari oleh siswa melalui youtube, siswa bebas memilih tari apa saja yang mudah untuk mereka pahami dan hafal, tetapi masih dengan lingkup tari nusantara sesuai dengan tugas yang diberikan oleh guru. Guru menyampaikan pembelajaran dengan meminta siswa mencari satu buah vidio tari nusantara melalui youtube yang siswa mudah dipahami dan dihafal yang dibuat dalam bentuk vidio proses pembelajaran tari nusantara ini, dan guru memberikan contoh satu buah video untuk bias dilihat oleh siswa sebagai contoh tarian nusantara. Pada pertemuan ini siswa memahami materi yang diberikan oleh guru

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