
Scabies is a type of skin disease caused by the mite (small tick) Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis, with the number of cases reaching 300 million per year. Pondok Pesantren, as an educational institution that provides dormitory facilities, makes it possible for residents to be susceptible to contracting this disease due to shared use. This activity was carried out at Dayah Putri Hidayatullah Lhoknga Aceh Besar and was attended by 50 participants. The purpose of this activity is to increase female students' knowledge about scabies and introduce herbal plants that can be used as an alternative in the treatment of scabies. This activity was carried out using the counseling method of presentation and question and answer. The results of the activity went well and received a warm welcome and enthusiasm from the participants, as indicated by the level of participant satisfaction of 86.5%. The level of knowledge of female students about scabies was 100% and that of herbal plants as an alternative to scabies treatment was 34,5%. It can be concluded that the knowledge of female students Dayah Putri Hidayatullah Lhoknga Aceh Besar about scabies is good, but knowledge about herbal plants used as scabies medicine is still very low.

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