
Financial education is an important aspect in forming a quality generation, especially children. This service activity aims to increase teachers' understanding of sharia accounting literacy from an early age. This activity involved the participation of teachers at Kindergarten RA Al-Hidayah Pekanbaru. The problem is the lack of understanding and knowledge about sharia accounting literacy faced by teachers. This will affect their ability to integrate sharia accounting literacy into the curriculum and daily learning. The methods used are socialization, material presentations, and question and answer discussions. The conclusion from this activity is that there is still a lack of sharia accounting literacy among teachers. So, with this service activity it is hoped that it can increase teachers' understanding and knowledge of sharia accounting literacy and integrate it into daily learning, thereby helping children develop a good understanding of sharia accounting principles. So, it is recommended to make a positive contribution in forming a generation that understands and applies sharia accounting principles in financial management in order to build a strong foundation for future generations.

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