
This study aims to develop variations of the ushiro mawashi geri kick exercise in kumite karate athletes. The population in this study were 5 HKBP Sidorame dojo athletes, 8 dojo athletes at SMP N 31 Medan, 7 dojo athletes in Medan Tuntungan, and 13 dojo athletes Hedi GOJUKAI. The development of this exercise variation was first validated by 3 experts, 1 coach expert, 1 referee expert, and 1 sports expert where the validation percentage was 92%-94%. The method used is the research and development (R&D) method. The results of the small group trial involving 13 athletes from the HKBP Sidorame dojo and the SMP N 31 Medan dojo showed that the variation of the ushiro mawashi geri kick exercise met the criteria to be continued in the large group trial because the percentage score of each aspect was between 89.23%-100%. The results of a large group trial of 20 athletes at the Hedi GOJUKAI dojo and the Medan Tuntungan dojo showed that the variation of the ushiro mawashi geri kick exercise met the criteria for continuing in the manufacture of mass products because the percentage of each aspect was between 88%-95%. From the results it was concluded that the variation of the ushiro mawashi geri kick exercise was more effective and efficient, because it was very important in supporting the athlete's achievement, besides that the exercise was not boring and became input for karate coaches throughout Indonesia.

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