
Coconut plants are very much found throughout Indonesia, especially located in Riau province, making coconut plantations an economic base, the largest coconut plantation area to be precise in Indragiri Hilir Regency which has a coconut plantation area of 501,576 hectares. The contribution of coconut plantations in Indragiri Hilir makes Indonesia as a whole as the center of the largest coconut plantations in the world. The majority of Indragiri Hilir people work as farmers. The lack of knowledge and understanding of farmers regarding the management and utilization of coconut production is one of the reasons for the lack of coconut processing business in Indragiri Hilir Regency. It is necessary to have information related to the processing of coconut derivative products. This of course can be an illustration to farmers about the benefits that farmers get when selling coconuts that have been processed into products. Based on the results of ICT Literacy processing, 83% was obtained, this shows that post-harvest information is very important about the processing and utilization of coconut plants. Therefore we need an information system that can provide information about the use or management of coconut plants and the conversion of coconut derivatives in Indragiri Hilir district.


  • Abstract−Coconut plants are very much found throughout Indonesia, especially located in Riau province, making coconut plantations an economic base, the largest coconut plantation area to be precise in Indragiri Hilir Regency which has a coconut plantation area of 501,576 hectares

  • User Acceptance Test (UAT) juga disebut pengujian beta, pengujian aplikasi dan pengujian pengguna akhir adalah tahapan pengembangan perangkat lunak ketika perangkat lunak diuji pada dunia nyata [13]

  • Keluarga besar Puzzle Research Data Technology khusus Coco Research Predatech dan teman-teman seperjuangan yang selalu memberikan masukan, dorongan dan semangat dalam penyelesaian penelitian ini

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Pohon Kelapa merupakan tanaman yang hadir ditengah-tengah kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia, yang dipergunakan sebagai bahan utama industri dan juga sebagai sumber pendapat bagi masyarakat [1]. Tanaman kelapa yang bisa dijadikan sebagai bahan baku mulai dari batang, lidi, dan buah. Petani sekitar umumnya masih terfokus kepada pengolahan hasil daging kelapa sebagai hasil yang utama, sedangkan industri yang mengolah hasil samping buah kelapa masih belum termanfaatkan secara maksimal padahal potensi ketersediaan bahan baku untuk membangun industri pengolahannya masih mempunyai peluang sangat besar [7]. Perlu adanya konversi dari tanaman kelapa yang belum diolah sampai menjadi suatu produk olahan turunan kelapa agar petani bisa lebih memanfaatkan kelapa sebagai identifikasi nilai ekonomi kelapa dan produk turunannya.

Metodologi Penelitian
Kelapa dan Produk Turunannya
Penelitian Terdahulu
Analisa Kebutuhan Data
Pengumpulan Data
Pengolahan Data
Perancangan Sistem
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