
The purpose of this study is to formulate the efforts that can be done to develop the quality of Islamic Education in Indonesia. The type of research is descriptive qualitative. The data used in this study are qualitative data that are collected using literature study method and processed using qualitative analysis techniques. The study findings suggest that efforts to develop the quality of Islamic Education in Indonesia include: 1) Integrating products from the development and advancement of science and technology into the Islamic Education system; 2) Applying a comprehensive approach and learning method that combines Islamic education provided at school, in the family, and in society, balanced by communicative delivery and exemplary practice of Islamic values; 3) Implementation of quality management of Islamic Education covering the management of educational institutions and all components of education in it, including teachers, learners, educational facilities, learning process, and community relations; 4) Increasing the welfare of teachers to encourage the improvement of the work ethos, which in turn will be able to contribute maximally in improving the quality of Islamic Education; and 5) Directing learning practices in Islamic Education on the purpose of increasing understanding, mastery, and application of Islamic values by learners.


  • The study findings suggest that efforts to develop the quality of Islamic Education in Indonesia include: 1) Integrating products from the development and advancement of science and technology into the Islamic Education system; 2) Applying a comprehensive approach and learning method that combines Islamic education provided at school, in the family, and in society, balanced by communicative delivery and exemplary practice of Islamic values; 3) Implementation of quality management of Islamic Education covering the management of educational institutions and all components of education in it, including teachers, learners, educational facilities, learning process, and community relations; 4) Increasing the welfare of teachers to encourage the improvement of the work ethos, which in turn will be able to contribute maximally in improving the quality of Islamic Education; and 5) Directing learning practices in Islamic Education on the purpose of increasing understanding, mastery, and application of Islamic values by learners

  • Hal ini bukan berarti bahwa mata pelajaran yang diajarkan hanya terkait dengan masalah-masalah ibadah dalam Islam, namun lebih kepada penanaman nilai-nilai Islam ke dalam sistem pendidikan, ke dalam metode dan pendekatan pembelajaran yang digunakan, dan kepada tata cara serta etika di lingkungan lembaga pendidikan

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Berdasarkan realita yang ada, yaitu terkait adanya kemunduran akhlak pada generasi muda, maka diperlukan upaya untuk dapat meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan Islam di Indonesia demi dapat mencapai hasil pendidikan yang lebih baik, yang utamanya terwujud dalam perbaikan sikap dan perilaku generasi muda yang sesuai dengan nilai-nilai Islam. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, maka diharapkan penggunaan data kualitatif pada penelitian ini akan dapat mendorong perolehan hasil penelitian yang menjelaskan upaya-upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan Islam di Indonesia yang belum pernah ditemukan dan diterapkan sebelumnya.

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