
 Culture has an important role in the tourism industry as one of the factors that attract tourists to visit tourist attractions. One of the cultural tourism areas in West Java is Kampung Naga in Tasikmalaya Regency. Tourism has begun in this traditional village since the 1970s, but its development can be said to be slow because many tourism principles are considered not following customary rules. Unique even though tourism development is not recognized by the community, but continues to run and also benefits the community.
 This study uses a qualitative method that aims to identify the development of tourism in Kampung Naga. The types of data used are quantitative data and qualitative data with data collection carried out by observation, in-depth interviews, and documentaries. The data analysis used is qualitative descriptive analysis with an inductive approach.
 The results of this study show that the development of tourism in Kampung Naga has reached the second stage in the theory of the tourism area life cycle. Besides, there are community organizations that in charge of tourism issues in Kampung Naga, namely the Association of Indonesian Guides. Meanwhile, there are two Regional Organizations that have authority in Kampung Naga, which are the Tourism, Youth and Sports Departement and the Education Departement. The obstacle in developing tourism in Kampung Naga is a conflict between the government and local communities regarding regulations that are not obeying the customary rules in Kampung Naga.
 Keyword: tourism development, cultural tourism, traditional village, development obstacle, tourism area life cycle


  • Pariwisata budaya merupakan salah satu industri yang terus berkembang sejak tahun 1990-an melebihi perkembangan pariwisata lainnya

  • Tourism has begun in this traditional village since the 1970s, but its development can be said to be slow because many tourism principles are considered not following customary rules

  • Unique even though tourism development is not recognized by the community, but continues to run and benefits the community

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METODE PENELITIAN Lokasi penelitian ini terletak pada Kampung

Kampung yang berada di pinggiran pusat kabupaten ini dapat dicapai menggunakan angkutan kota (angkot) dari pusat Kabupaten Tasikmalaya selama kurang lebih 30 sampai 45 menit. Meskipun berada di dekat pusat aktivitas, Kampung Naga dapat tetap melestarikan kebudayaannya tanpa membiarkan pariwisata merusaknya. Data primer dalam penelitian ini dikumpulkan dengan melakukan observasi nonpartisipasif dan wawancara mendalam. Sedangkan data sekunder seperti melalui penelitian terdahulu didapatkan melalui dokumenter. Untuk memperoleh data-data tersebut, peneliti menentukan informan dengan prosedur purposif. Beberapa informan yang dipilih dalam penelitian ini adalah Ketua Himpunan Pramuwisata Indonesia di Kampung Naga, Ketua Pelaksana Koperasi “Sauyunan”, dan Masyarakat Lokal. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini mengguanakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan induktif yakni berdasarkan data-data khusus di lapangan yang bermuara pada kesimpulan umum

Tingkat Kunjungan Wisatawan
Fasilitas Pariwisata
Pengembangan Atraksi Wisata Buatan
Promosi Pariwisata
Hambatan dalam Pengembangan Pariwisata
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