
Most of the students of the Mechanical Engineering Study Program at the University of Nusantara PGRI Kediri assume that basic physics is a course with memorizing many formulas so that they have difficulty understanding the concept of physics. This study aims to develop a Physics practicum module for Mechanical Engineering and to know the feasibility value of the module. This study uses the development research method (RnD) of the Plomp model which consists of 3 stages, namely: The first stage of the initial investigation, the Second Stage of the preparation of the prototype, and the third stage of the assessment. From the results of the validation and analysis of the readability test, the average value of the feasibility of the Basic Physics module based on problem solving is 3.22 with feasible criteria, and the feasibility assessment for presentation is 3.55 with the appropriate criteria. So that overall the feasibility assessment of the Basic Physics module is problem solving based on 3.39 with a decent criteria. While the results of student satisfaction data analysis on the use of the Basic Physics module based on problem solving obtained 83% stated very well and the remaining 17% stated good. The product of the development is in the form of a basic Physics practicum module for Mechanical Engineering. From the data analysis it can be concluded that the feasibility assessment of the overall development module is feasible to develop.
 Keywords: module, research development, problem solving, satisfaction questionnaire.
 Sebagian besar mahasiswa Program Studi Tehnik Mesin Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri beranggapan bahwa fisika dasar merupakan mata kuliah dengan hafalan rumus yang banyak sehingga mereka kesulitan untuk memahami konsep fisika tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan modul praktikum Fisika untuk Teknik Mesin dan mengetahui nilai kelayakan modul tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian pengembangan (RnD) model Plomp yang terdiri dari 3 tahap, yaitu: Tahap pertama investigasi awal, Tahap Kedua penyusunan prototipe, dan Tahap ketiga assesment. Dari hasil validasi dan analisis uji keterbacaan diperoleh nilai rata-rata kelayakan isi modul Fisika Dasar berbasis problem solving sebesar 3.22 dengan kriteria layak, dan penilaian kelayakan penyajian sebesar 3,55 dengan kriteria layak. Sehingga secara keseluruhan penilaian kelayakan modul Fisika Dasar berbasis problem solving sebesar 3,39 dengan kriteria layak. Sedangkan hasil analisis data kepuasan mahasiswa terhadap penggunaan modul Fisika Dasar berbasis problem solving diperoleh 83% menyatakan sangat baik dan sisanya sebesar 17% menyatakan baik. Produk hasil pengembangan adalah berupa modul praktikum Fisika dasar untuk Teknik Mesin. Dari analisis data maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa penilaian kelayakan modul hasil pengembangan secara keseluruhan layak untuk dikembangkan.


  • Most of the students of the Mechanical Engineering Study Program at the University of Nusantara PGRI Kediri assume that basic physics is a course with memorizing many formulas so that they have difficulty understanding the concept of physics

  • This study aims to develop a Physics practicum module for Mechanical Engineering and to know the feasibility value of the module

  • 4. Validator dan mahasiswa yang telah membantu memberikan penilaian terhadap kelayakan modul dan telah memberikan kritik dan saran sehingga terselesaikannya modul praktikum Fisika Dasar untuk Teknik Mesin ini

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Most of the students of the Mechanical Engineering Study Program at the University of Nusantara PGRI Kediri assume that basic physics is a course with memorizing many formulas so that they have difficulty understanding the concept of physics. Dari hasil validasi dan analisis uji keterbacaan diperoleh nilai rata-rata kelayakan isi modul Fisika Dasar berbasis problem solving sebesar 3.22 dengan kriteria layak, dan penilaian kelayakan penyajian sebesar 3,55 dengan kriteria layak. Dari analisis data maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa penilaian kelayakan modul hasil pengembangan secara keseluruhan layak untuk dikembangkan.

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