
The purpose of this research is to find out how the counseling of expressive writing technique group based on the philosophy of dandang tingang and find the design of the counseling model of the expressive writing group with dandang tingang philosophy to improve the respect behavior of students. The research method used is development research. This method is one of the research methods, which at the end of the study can be found in a new model. Data analysis is done in quantitative and qualitative ways. The results of the model development that have been carried out by the researcher include a model that contains Rational, Objectives, Assumptions, Intervention Targets, Model Components, Model Steps, Materials, Facilities, Evaluations and indicators of success. The arranged model is tested to determine the effectiveness of the model that has been arranged. The results of the trial show that the group counseling technique with expressive writing is based on a practical philosophy to improve respect behavior. Independent sample T-Test, from the results of calculations using the help of the SPSS 19.00 application, obtained the following data: T count (23.703) > T table (2.120) then Ho is rejected, and Ha is accepted. Therefore, it can be concluded that group counseling services with an expressive writing technique are based on an effective way to improve respect behavior.

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