
This research aims to determine the results of the development of web-based learning media for Islamic Religious Education (PAI) which is valid and practical. This learning media development model refers to the 4-D development model (Four D-Model). This research was conducted at Unismuh Makassar Junior High School with research subjects 30 students and 1 teacher Islamic Education. The instruments used were validation sheets, student activity, teacher response and students. The data collection techniques used observation sheet instruments and student and teacher response questionnaires. The analysis used is descriptive qualitative statistical analysis. Based on the results of research and development shows that the media developed after validation is declared valid and reasonable for testing. The results of testing practicality show that the web-based learning media is practical because it has fulfills the criteria with the results: 1) students' activities in learning are carried out as expected, 2) teachers give excellent responses and, 3) students provide good response to the learning media. So it can be concluded that in the development of learning media activities fulfill valid and practical criteria used in the learning process especially in PAI subjects in class VIII.


  • Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hasil pengembangan media pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) berbasis web yang valid dan praktis

  • Abstrac: This research aims to determine the results of the development of web-based learning media for Islamic Religious Education (PAI) which is valid and practical

  • This learning media development model refers to the 4-D development model (Four D-Model)

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Tidak Baik Kurang Baik

Hasil analisa pada tahapan Pendefenisian (define) analisis awalakhir, analisis siswa, analisis konsep, analisis tugas, dan spesifikasi tujuan pembelajaran melalui kegiatan pengamatan, diskusi dengan guru mata pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) maka diperoleh gambaran bahwa penggunaan media pembelajaran yang belum optimal dan pembelajaran cenderung didominisi oleh guru sehingga membuat siswa merasa jenuh dan pasif dalam belajar. Rancangan awal media pembelajaran ini merupakan prototipe yang akan dikembangkan, dari hasil design ini maka diperoleh prototipe media pembelajaran berbasis website yang kemudian akan dikembangkan melalui tahapan validasi, revisi dan uji coba terbatas. Hasil validasi ahli terhadap materi, media pembelajaran, instrumen respon guru, lembar aktivitas siswa, instrumen respon siswa dan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) terhadap media pembelajaran berbasis web memiliki “relevansi kuat” dengan koefesien validitas lebih dari 75% atau V > 75%, sehingga hasil pengukuran yang dilakukan adalah sahih dan layak digunakan.

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