
This research and development aims to produce a product in the form of Interactive Learning Media (ILM) on the material of the human respiratory system. Research and development is a research method used to produce products. The product development method used refers to the 4D model that has been adjusted by needs (define, design, development, disseminate). However, in the field application, it is only up to the development stage due to time constraints and it is still in a pandemic condition where face-to-face learning is not recommended. In its application, ILM is a complement to learning material for the respiratory system in humans, media as a complement means that the media is applied to complement the material received by students in the classroom. The results of the product feasibility test that have been tested on media experts, material experts and students get a positive and feasible response. Based on the results that have been obtained, ILM about the respiratory system in humans is suitable for use as a learning medium in the classroom, with the ILM providing convenience in learning, stimulating students to learn, producing unique and attractive products for students.

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