
BSE or Electronic School Book is a digital book that are used in many schools. But there are weeknesses of this electronic school book is not insert video content, either video of tutorials or video of illustrations and display of electronic school books still use the scroll effect. So it needs a video to stimulate the students to learn and give a flip effect to attract display of digital books or often called the E-Book. The purpose of this research to produce interactive multimedia electronic book (e-book) of learning media in the subjects of 3D Animation Techniques and 2D Animation Techniques at the Department of Multimedia SMK Negeri 3 Singaraja. This research has been done by using the research and development method in education field. E-book is developed based on subject that already exist in Multimedia majority, such as 2 Dimension Animation and 3 Dimension Animation. The display of e-book itself is designed like a real content or 3D with adding flip effect and inside of the material which is being developed, it has several multimedia contents such as picture, animation and video that can support the developing of interactive e-book. By using various software support, the results obtained from developing interactive multimedia e-book, there are changes in presentation in the form of a flip. The material is done with a real approach in the form of video, such as video of tutorials or video of illustrations. The results of the validation test of the validator using a questionnaire stating interactive multimedia electronic book (e-book) of learning media in the subject 3D Animation Techniques and 2D Animation Techniques in accordance with the concept of the material contained in the respective subjects.

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