
This research aims to develop learning media using Macromedia Flash 8 in SDN 13 Kinali, Kinali subdistrict Pasaman Barat district. This type of research is Researrch and Development (R & D). Development of Macromedia Flash based learning media with several stages namely, 1) Needs analysis, 2) Design, 3) Implementation, and 4) Testing. Determination of the feasibility level of learning media based on Macromedia Flash based on the validation test of experts and test to the students through a questionnaire that is in the fourth grade students of SDN 13 Kinali as many as 26 students. Instruments used in this research is a questionnaire and media based learning Macromedia Flash. Based on the questionnaire validity test, obtained a valid questionnaire of 20 items of questionnaire, as many as 5 invite questionnaires. One of the results of the calculation of validity test of the questionnaire that is questionnaire number 2, obtained the results of validity of 0.68 with high category. The results showed that the level of feasibility of learning media is expressed through the testing of experts and questionnaire responses of students. Based on practice test, the percentage is 71,04% with good enough category, meanwhile with student's questionnaire analysis, it is obtained 88.46% percentage with good category, it proves that by using Macromedia Flash based learning media able to improve student learning response.Key Words: Macromedia Flash, IPS, Questionnaire

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