
 This study aimed to develop socio-cultural-based LKPD teaching materials in understanding short story material to improve HOTS for class XI SMA. The research method used 4-D Research and Development by Thiagarajan that consists of four stages, namely define, design, development, and dissemination. This study is limited to the development stage, due to the current pandemic situation so it cannot be carried out for the dissemination stage. Data was collected using research instrument techniques to assess the validity of the products that have been developed, in the form of a validation questionnaire to be assessed by material experts in the form of content, construction, language aspects and design experts in the form of writing display aspects, image display, LKPD functions, and LKPD benefits. The assessment of the material aspect got an overall score of 90% with the "Very Good" criteria, means that the product is feasible and valid to be tested in small groups and large groups, thus the material can be a prototype of socio-cultural based short story worksheets. The design aspect assessment gave an assessment of 98.5% with the criteria of "Very Good", means that the product is feasible and valid to be tested by small groups and large groups, so from the design aspect it can become a prototype of socio-cultural-based short story worksheets. Thus, the overall socio-cultural-based short story LKPD is categorized as very good.

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