
Basically a natural partnership will achieve its goal if mutual requirements, mutual reinforcement, and mutual benefit can be maintained and made a strong fundamental commitment among partners. Nevertheless the development seems very slow. The cause is the presence of specific and different conditions and structure factors compared to other countries. Along with that, we still encounter various forms of gaps, such as inequality among regions, among income groups, between sectors, among economic actors, and so forth. The next problem is that in business entities including cooperatives and micro and small enterprises in running their business activities requires business partnerships with medium and large enterprises in order to improve business performance and business scale. While on the other hand our economic conditions and structures are not yet fully conducive to fostering partnerships based on purely business considerations or competitive market motivations but the business partnership of the foundation is strong enough in our country's constitution. Partnerships will work if partners are equally benefiting. Our concept of partnership is like that, although in the short term, there is a party or a party benefiting more from the other side.


  • A natural partnership will achieve its goal if mutual requirements, mutual reinforcement, and mutual benefit can be maintained and made a strong fundamental commitment among partners

  • Basically a natural partnership will achieve its goal if mutual requirements

  • different conditions and structure factors compared to other countries

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Memetakan Potensi

Aktivitas dalam memetakan potensi wilayah, maka perlu disusun dengan cara mengidentifikasi potensi wilayah sesuai dengan tipologi wilayah, dengan instrumen mengidentifikasi potensi komoditi masing-masing wilayah. Adapun jenis komoditi usaha yang dapat dilakukan meliputi usaha-usaha sebagai berikut : 1) Tanaman obat-obatan kecuali jahe, industri kesehatan non medik, lada, melinjo, kayu manis, kemiri, panili, kapulaga, pala, siwalan, aren, dan lontar. 8) Jenis usaha yang terbuka untuk usaha menengah dan besar yang harus bermitra dengan usaha kecil, meliputi : 9) Bisnis ubi kayu, jagung, sayur-sayuran, buah-buahan dan jahe. 10)Industri pengolahan susu, pengasapan, tepung ikan, pengolahan teh, kelapa, pengolahan lada, melinjo, kayu manis, panili, kapulaga, pala, cengkeh, kopra, gula pasir, pati sagu, benang sutra, dekortisasi serat, benang sutra (filamen), ukiran kayu, kertas tulis cetak, amplop dan rol karet. 11)Mesin pertanian perontok padi, pemotong padi, traktor tangan pemipil jagung, pompa air tangan, industri perlengkapan sepeda, kerajinan perak, pertambangan kecil, pengecer (agen dan dealer), distributor (perkulakan, pemasok, sub distributor, ATPM), pasar modern (mall, super market), jasa pemasaran, toko, kerajinan, toko umum, toko bebas bea, penjualan melalui media, sewa beli, penyewaan mesin dan peralatan, foto studio, salon, biro jasa, mobil toko dan mobil restoran, pemondokan, perparkiran, penitipan anak, jasa boga, binatu, restoran, pelayanan medik (umum, bersalin, spesialis, gigi) dan jasa instalasi listrik

Menetapkan Potensi Komoditi
Pelaku usaha memperoleh pasar terhadap hasil produksi
Harga jual mengikuti harga pasar
Jumlah sering tidak sesuai dengan pesanan
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