
Development of cocurricular and extracurricular activities is important to do, because intracuricular activities are felt to be lacking in developing students' potential. Thus, the need for companion activities that can help maximize the potential of students. The purpose of this study was to investigate the development of cocuricular and extracurricular activities. This research uses library research method (library research). The results of the research on the development of cocurricular activities, namely in their activities, must lead to activities that support intracuricular activities and student learning interests, do not contain excessive burdensome burdens, and require administration, guidance or assistance, monitoring, and assessment. While the development of extracurricular activities through several stages including: 1) needs analysis which also aims to identify the needs, potential, and interests of students. 2) determine the type of extracurricular activities through tests, questionnaires, and interviews. 3) compile an extracurricular activity program. 4) implementation phase. 5) monitoring and evaluation phase. In the development of extracurricular activities, it is also supported by education unit policies, the availability of coaches, and the availability of educational unit facilities and infrastructure


  • Abstrak: Pengembangan kegiatan korikuler dan ekstrakurikuler penting untuk dilakukan, karena kegiatan intrakurikuler di rasa masih kurang dalam mengembangkan potensi peserta didik

  • Development of cocurricular and extracurricular activities is important to do, because intracuricular activities are felt to be lacking in developing students' potential

  • In the development of extracurricular activities, it is supported by education unit policies, the availability of coaches, and the availability of educational unit facilities and infrastructure Keywords: Development, Cocurricular, Extracurricular

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Definisi kegiatan Kokurikuler

Kegiatan kokurikuler adalah suatu kegiatan yang merupakan bagian dari kegiatan sekolah yang pelaksanaannya di lakukan di luar jam pelajaran dengan tujuan agar membantu siswa dalam hal mendalami sekaligus menghayati berbagai materi yang nanti akan dipelajarinya ketika dalam kegiatan intrakurikuler.[5] Sedangkan pengertian kokurikuler menurut beberapa pendapat yang lainnya adalah sebagai berikut: a) Kegiatan kokurikuler diartikan sebagai kegiatan yang dalam pelaksanaannya di luar dari jam pelajaran yang bisa juga dilaksanakan ketika waktu libur.[6] Dalam praktiknya kegiatan ini dapat dilaksanakan baik di sekolah maupun luar sekolah, dengan mendasarkan pada tujuan yang tetap harus menunjang dari program kegiatan intrakurikuler. Dari kesemua kegiatan tersebut nantinya juga akan diperhitungkan ketika menilai mata pelajaran yang berkaitan.[8]

Tujuan kokurikuler
Bentuk kegiatan kokurikuler
Pengembangan kegiatan kokurikuler
Definisi kegiatan ekstrakurikuler
Fungsi kegiatan ekstrakurikuler
Tujuan dan manfaat kegiatan ekstrakurikuler
Prinsip kegiatan ekstrakurikuler
Bentuk kegiatan ekstrakurikuler
Pengembangan kegiatan ekstrakurikuler
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