
The aim of this study is to produce a higher-order thinking skills assessment instrument on the material of the hearing and sonar system for Junior high school students that are valid and reliable. Indicators of higher-order thinking skills (IKBTT) are developed based on the cognitive dimension of Bloom's Taxonomy which includes the skills to analyze (C4), evaluate (C5) and create (C6). The assessment instrument developed was a multiple choice test with open reasons. Multiple choice test with open reason is a multiple choice question with four answer choices completed with the reason for choosing an answer. The instrument is equipped with an assessment rubric in the form of a holistic rubric to assess the relationship between multiple choice answers and reasons for choosing answers. The results of the validation of material aspects, construction, and language show that the products developed are very feasible with an average score of 85.7%. The instrument was empirically tested with the number of subjects trying as many as 59 students of 8th grade Junior high school. Based on the results of empirical trials of multiple choice questions with open reasons obtained 25 valid questions with multiple choice reliability of 0.745, and reason reliability of 0.929. The number of questions produced based on C4 cognitive dimensions were 12 questions (48%), C5 cognitive dimensions were 9 questions (36%), and C6 cognitive dimensions were 4 questions (16%). This study produced an instrument for assessing higher-order thinking skills in the material of the hearing and sonar system for Junior high school students that were valid and reliable.


  • Kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi didefinisikan sebagai penggunaan pikiran secara lebih luas untuk menemukan tantangan baru (Rofiah dkk, 2013)

  • a multiple choice question with four answer choices completed with the reason for choosing an answer

  • The instrument is equipped with an assessment rubric in the form

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Penelitian ini merupakan jenis pene litian dan pengembangan (Research and Develop ment) yang bertujuan untuk mengha silkan produk berupa instrumen penilaian kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi. Model yang digunakan dalam penelitian dan pengembangan ini mengacu pada Borg & Gall (1983) yang diadaptasi sesuai dengan kebutuhan penelitian. Studi pendahuluan dilakukan untuk mendapat informasi berupa, jenis instrumen penilaian yang digunakan di sekolah, menganalisis kebutuhan pengem bangan instrumen, mengembangkan instrumen penilaian kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi dan me ngembangkan rubrik peni laian. Validasi oleh ahli instrumen penilaian bertujuan untuk menilai kelayakan instrumen dan kebenaran konsep. Validasi kelayakan bertujuan untuk menilai aspek materi, konstruksi dan bahasa. Data hasil validasi oleh ahli instrumen penilaian yang diperoleh berupa data kuanti tatif dan kualitatif. Data kuantitatif yang diperoleh menggunakan skala Guttman Ya dan Tidak, Ya berarti skor 1 dan tidak berarti skor 0 untuk mengetahui kelayakan aspek materi, konstruksi, dan bahasa. Kriteria Kelayakan Persentase (%) 81 – 100 61 – 80 41 – 60 21 – 40 0 – 20

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