
The purpose of this research is to develop a quiz-based assessment tool that can measure students' competence in physics. This research is a type of research on the development of a 4-D model (four-D model) which consists of four stages, namely: definition, design, development and dissemination. The results of the development research got validation results from linguists with an average of 3.57, a percentage of 89% and a "very valid" category. The results of material expert validation with an average of 3.6 percent from 90% and the "very valid" category. The results of media expert validation with an average of 3.4, the percentage of 85% and the "very valid" category. The results of the student observation sheet provide evaluation results of student observations with an average of 15.25% and a percentage of 95.3%. The results of the product capability questionnaire assessment results with the assessed aspects adjusted to the type of product produced with a total of 64 and an average of 3.2 with a proportion of 80% and categorized as "very good". The results of the student response questionnaire on the practicality of students with an average of 54.65, the proportion of 91% and the category "very practical". The results of the student effectiveness questionnaire with an average of 38 percent 95% and the category "very effective".


  • PENDAHULUAN Pandemi Coronavirus-19 telah berdampak pada sistem pendidikan di seluruh dunia, menyebabkan sekolah, universitas, dan perguruan tinggi tutup

  • This research is a type of research on the development

  • which consists of four stages

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Elisa*, Aslamiyah Rambe, Ainun Mardiyah, Tina Anggaraini Siregar, Roipalah & Fatma Zunastri. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan alat penilaian berbasis kuis yang dapat mengukur kompetensi siswa dalam fisika. Hasil penelitian pengembangan mendapat hasil validasi dari ahli bahasa dengan rata-rata 3,57, persentase 89% dan kategori “sangat valid”. Hasil validasi ahli materi dengan ratarata 3,6 persen dari 90% dan kategori “sangat valid”. Hasil validasi ahli media dengan rata-rata 3,4, persentase 85% dan kategori “sangat valid”. Hasil lembar observasi siswa memberikan hasil evaluasi observasi siswa dengan rata-rata 15,25% dan persentase 95,3%. Hasil penilaian hasil angket kapabilitas produk dengan aspek yang dinilai disesuaikan dengan jenis produk yang diproduksi dengan jumlah 64 dan rata-rata 3,2 dengan proporsi 80% dan dikategorikan “sangat baik”. Hasil angket respon siswa terhadap kepraktisan siswa dengan rata-rata 54,65, proporsi 91% dan kategori “sangat praktis”. Hasil angket efektivitas siswa dengan rata-rata 38 persen 95% dan kategori “sangat efektif

Ahli Media
No Nilai Siswa Jumlah Siswa
Efektif Efektif Sangat efektif Sangat efektif
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