
Business Entrepreneurial Incubator Program (Inwabi) programmed for entrepreneurship aims to implement the role of science and technology for entrepreneurship for students at the University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS). Activities include: recognition, empowerment, improvement of hard and soft skills of students, mental construct of student entrepreneurship (entrepreneur soft skills), so that students are able to be creators of jobs (job creators) not only job seekers (job seekers). The target of the program Inwabi provide assistance to the 20 students in the field of new entrepreneurial small businesses and make at least 50% managed to independently manage their own businesses. Methods of community service Papiku in Inwabi include learning, training and empowerment using the concept of Project Based Learning (PBL), which contains models of mentoring, empowerment: doing, empowering, facilitating and evaluating. Besides PBL also uses Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) of potential exploration-based talent to produce and acquire prospective new entrepreneurs accordance talent / potential of each. Implementation conducted on students who are ready to become tenants, including students PKMK, students starting a new business that already have a business. Inwabi Papiku activities include direct entrepreneurial training and learning (doing), empowered (empowering), facilitated by (facilitating), and evaluated the problem constraints (evaluating) for three months. Implementation of assistance Papiku Inwabi carried out cooperation and synergy with the institutions Socialpreneur who have competence in their fields, namely (a) the Vocational School, supports hardware-based technology, training, learning and training, (b) Talents Center, to support the implementation of potential exploration entrepreneur based talent / potential, (c) Kemal Abda, an online shop is a community in the field of internet marketing. Tenant business group in Inwabi activities covering the fields of internet marketing online shop (11), the culinary field (3), in batik and fashion (2), the culinary field (4), the implementation is divided into seven stages. During the three months generated at least 50% independent of the number of 20 tenants, 10 students (tenant) became new entrepreneurs are well established, the rest is still to understand the importance of entrepreneurship and self-employment as a mental construct a selection of work for him to be more independent.


  • Business Entrepreneurial Incubator Program (Inwabi) programmed for entrepreneurship aims to implement the role of science and technology for entrepreneurship for students at the University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS)

  • Methods of community service Papiku in Inwabi include learning, training and empowerment using the concept of Project Based Learning (PBL), which contains models of mentoring, empowerment: doing, empowering, facilitating and evaluating

  • Implementation of assistance Papiku Inwabi carried out cooperation and synergy with the institutions Socialpreneur who have competence in their fields, namely (a) the Vocational School, supports hardware-based technology, training, learning and training, (b) Talents Center, to support the implementation of potential exploration entrepreneur based talent / potential, (c) Kemal Abda, an online shop is a community in the field of internet marketing

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Gambar Rekruitmen Calon Peserta

4. Tahap IV Berdasarkan SWOT analisis yang dipaparkan dari setiap usahanya dilakukan pendampingan dan solusi agar usaha berjalan lebih lancar. Peserta di evaluasi melalui berbagai kegiatan yang dilakukan yaitu: membuat real business plan (doing), memulai dan menjalankan usaha miliknya (empowering), pendampingan usaha (facilitating) dan motivasi sukses wirausaha (evaluating). Akhir dari program inwabi adalah ketercapaian kemandirian usaha (lahirlah wirausaha baru), yaitu mampu menjalankan usaha, membuat produk atau memasarkan. Hal ini akan memberikan sinergi mahasiswa dengan perguruan tinggi, dunia usaha dunia industri, sehingga lahirlah wirausaha baru yang mandiri siap berkompetisi di masyarakat, (2) Sebagai unit profit yang berbasis IPTEKS, (3) menghasilkan wirausaha baru minimal 50% pertahun dari peserta (tenant), (4) pusat studi wirausaha. Dikatakan memiliki mental wirausaha jika peserta memiliki mental usaha mandiri dengan omset penjualan mengalami kenaikan melalui online shop internet marketing

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