
The aim of this research was: (1) to give the standardization of BSNP information from a chemistry text book of the 2nd semester in class XII that internalized by character value in accordance with the curriculum development of 2013, (2) to see the result of learning and to know the result of students' attitude observation in the learning process. The benefits of this research was the existence of textbooks that fit into BSNP standard has been already good and adding the scientific information. The method used in this research was: Research and Development method by using BSNP Standardization in the chemistry book that validated by chemistry teacher in Langsa city and the application test in book development and doing observation process toward student attitude to learning. Based on the research that has been done, it is found that: (1) the development of textbooks has fulfilled the standard of content feasibility assessment with a score about 4.18, score language about 4.64, presentation of score about 4.6 and graphic book or score about 4.5, so it was valid. (2) the students learning outcomes by using this book book indicate the increasing of students' knowledge from the average score of pretest score of 43.3 to postes of 91.66. (3) The result of the attitude assessment was shown from the observation value to the student discussion attitude with the cooperation was score about 2.4, the curiosity score about 2.8, attitude score about 2.6 and communication score about 3.1. The conclusions of this research, were: (1) the result of the book development has been very feasible to use, (2) the increasing of student learning outcomes equal to 84.78%. (3) There is a change in student character to be better.


  • Berdasarkan amanat undang-undang tersebut maka dilakukanlah penelitian seperti yang terdapat dalam lampiran 1 Permendikbud Nomor 59 Tahun 2014 dikatakan hal ini disebabkan antaralain banyaknya materi uji yang ditanyakan di TIMSS dan PISA tidak terdapat dalam kurikulum Indonesia sehingga sudah selayaknya diadakan perbaikan kurikulum di Indonesia

  • (3) The result of the attitude assessment was shown from the observation value to the student discussion attitude with the cooperation was score about 2.4, the curiosity score about 2.8, attitude score about 2.6 and communication score about 3.1

  • The conclusions of this research, were: (1) the result of the book development has been very feasible to use, (2) the increasing of student learning outcomes equal to 84.78%. (3) There is a change in student character to be better

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Untuk mengukur tingkat keberhasilan belajar siswa maka digunakanlah Rumus Gain (%). Hasil pengembangan buku ajar berdasarkan standar BSNP dapat dilihat dengan cara melihat hasil dari penilaian yang dilakukan terhadap kelayakan isi buku, kelayakan bahasa, kelayakan penyajian, dan kelayakan buku yang telah dikembangkan.kelayakan buku dianggap layak bila telah memenuhi standar nilai lebih diatas rentang 2,6 hingga rentang nilai akhir 5. Berdasarkan hal ini maka hasil pengembangan buku ajar Kimia kelas XII SMA/MA semester II terinternalisasi nilai-nilai karakter sesuai kurikulum 2013 dari penelitian diperoleh hasil yang disajikan dalam gambar 1. Berdasarkan hal ini maka hasil pengembangan buku ajar Kimia kelas XII SMA/MA semester II terinternalisasi nilai-nilai karakter sesuai kurikulum 2013 dari penelitian diperoleh hasil yang disajikan dalam gambar 1. sebagai berikut: 4,5

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