
The involvement of teaching materials for the ongoing teaching and learning activities in schools is very important, especially teaching materials that have appeal and are arranged creatively for use by students. This attraction will encourage students to be more enthusiastic about learning. The motivations of students are inseparable from the role of educators in choosing teaching materials that are appropriate to the needs of their students. Educators also need to develop self-creativity to be able to create creative teaching materials. Teaching materials in the form of teaching books are generally in the form of textbooks and student worksheets so that the tendency of students to be lazy and bored in learning appears. Therefore we need teaching materials that have more appeal so students can easily understand. One of the creative teaching materials that can be developed is a three-dimensional textbook that can be used for students entering the age of children to adolescents. This textbook is intended to motivate students to be more active in reading so that they are able to link the examples presented in the book into real conditions in the surrounding environment.


  • The involvement of teaching materials for the ongoing teaching and learning activities in schools is very important, especially teaching materials that have appeal and are arranged creatively for use by students

  • The motivations of students are inseparable from the role of educators in choosing teaching materials that are appropriate to the needs of their students

  • One of the creative teaching materials that can be developed is a three-dimensional textbook that can be used for students entering the age of children to adolescents

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Kontekstual Learning

Media memiliki peran penting untuk memberi kemudahan peserta didik memahami materi yang diajarkan. Sedangkan menurut Sadiman (2008) media adalah segala sesuatu yang dapat digunakan untuk menyalurkan pesan dari pengirim ke penerima sehingga dapat merangsang pikiran, perasaan, perhatian dan minat serta perhatian peserta didik sedemikian rupa sehingga terjadi proses belajar. Jadi dapat disimpulkan media pembelajaran adalah semua bentuk alat sarana prasarana yang digunakan sebagai alat perantara untuk mengefektifkan komunikasi dalam proses pembelajaran sehingga pesan yang disampaikan oleh guru sebagai penyampai materi, pesan, ide atau pendapat dapat diterima dengan baik oleh peserta didik sebagai penerima pesan, sehingga peserta didik lebih giat dan tekun dalam belajar. Berdasarkan hasil observasi awal yang dilakukan oleh peneliti di SMPN 3 Pasirian, ditemukan peserta didik kurang dapat mengenali masalah pada materi, selain itu dalam proses belajar mengajar peserta didik menggunakan LKS dan buku paket yang membosankan. Berdasarkan latar belakang di atas, maka peneliti tertarik untuk melakukan penelitian pengembangan dengan judul “Pengembangan Buku Ajar IPS Terpadu Berbasis 3 Dimensi Di SMPN 3 Pasirian-Lumajang Dengan Pendekatan Kontekstual Learning”

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