
This study aims to develop a value-based teaching material for Citizenship Education (PKn) together with the local wisdom of the Minangkabau community to build the national character of the fifth grade students of Elementary School. The research conducted is research and development with the ADDIE research model which is an acronym in English from the stages of analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. By participating in the development stage of the ADDIE model, teaching material development is carried out by combining the values of togetherness found in the local wisdom of the Minangkabau community in a single unit of learning material. Data obtained from the validation of teaching materials, classroom learning practices, and the effectiveness of learning from student learning outcomes. The results of this study indicate that the development of Pkn teaching materials based on the values of togetherness of the Minangkabau community has been successfully carried out based on data on the validity, practicality, and effectiveness of teaching materials in learning in Class V of Elementary School.Keywords: Development Research, Minangkabau, PKn, SD Togetherness Value.


  • PENDAHULUAN Pendidikan merupakan suatu proses humanisasi atau memanusiakan manusia muda

  • “These values are very important to be actualized in the process of education and learning in schools towards the development of the character of learners” (Desyandri, 2017)

  • PROFIL SINGKAT Hasmai Bungsu Ladiva, S.Pd.,M.Pd adalah seorang dosen jurusan PGSD FIP UNP

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Tahap Perancangan

Tahap perancangan adalah merancang perangkat Pembelajaran PKn berbasis nilainilai demokrasi. Pengembangan bahan ajar meliputi hal-hal berikut ini: a. Kesesuaian materi yang dipilih dengan kurikulum b. Memperhitungkan kesesuaian bahan ajar yang dikembangkan dengan alokasi waktu yang tersedia. 3. Tahap Pengembangan Pada tahap ini dilakukan perealisasian kerangka konseptual yang telah disusun pada tahap design berupa bahan ajar yang siap diimplementasikan

Tahap Evaluasi
Tahap Analisis
Tahap perancangan
A Hermeneutic Analysis and Ethnography
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