
The research carried out aims to develop teaching materials that are sontextual local wisdom in order to attract student in learning. The teaching materials that will be developed in this research are e-LKPD based on drying salted fish on temperatured and heat materials. The research method used in this research in the ADDIE development model. The ADDIE development model has five stages, namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and evaluation. The research steps are carried out in accordanse with the ADDIE satges. The results of the research conducted, namely at the analysis stage, it was found that the lack of use of alternative teaching materials such as e-LKPD made student less interested during the learning process. Teaching materials that contain observation activities are meeded to improve psychomotor skills in students so that in this study the e-LKPD was developed by containing a simple experiment on drying salted fish. Preparation or writing of e-LKPD materials using the 3d pageflip application. This applicatin has the adavantage of complete features that make the 3d effect look real. This 3d pageflip appication requires a number of computer devices to use and the installation process is quite long. The constraints of this research are that the computer equipment owned by the researcher does not support the isntallation of the 3d pagefip application, the limited time of the study, and the limitation of the researcher in usng the 3d pageflip applicatin so that the research is only carried out until the sdesign stage.


  • Fisika adalah cabang ilmu pengetahuan alam yang memiliki hakikat serupa dengan sains

  • The teaching materials that will be developed in this research are elektronik Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (e-LKPD) based on drying salted fish

  • The research method used in this research in the ADDIE development model

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LKPD berbasis Local Wisdom di Kecamatan

Muncar dilakukan dilakukan oleh dua validator yakni dosen pendidikan fisika dan satu validator guru fisika. Validasi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan dan kritik saran mengenai kekurangankekurangan e-LKPD yang perlu diperbaiki. Instrumen validasi ini menggunakan lembar validator yang berisi aspek nilai dan deskripsi. Data yang diperoleh dari hasil uji validasi ahli kemudian dianalisis untuk mengetahui tingkat kevalidan e-LKPD, untuk menghitung persentase kevalidan e-. Validasi pada penelitian ini menggunakan tiga validator, untuk menentukan nilai akhir atau rata-rata dari hasil validasi menggunakan rumus sebagai berikut: Ptotal =. Menurut Sudaryono, (2011), LKPD dikatakan valid apabila hasil uji validitas memperoleh nilai ≥ 61% − 100%. Persentase tingkat kevalidan dapat dilihat dalam Tabel 1 berikut

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