
The dictionary is one of the solutions for learning about vocabulary and translating it. The use of dictionaries in the form of books is less effective and efficient, so it is necessary to develop electronic dictionaries in the form of dictionary applications available on smartphones. This study aims to develop an Android-based three-language dictionary application, namely Bima, Indonesian, and English, which includes a speech to text feature. The software development method uses the Rapid Application Development (RAD) method. This method has four main stages: requirements planning, design, construction, and cutover. Data collection methods in this research include observation, interviews, documentation, and literature study. The data analysis technique used is qualitative data analysis of data resulting from observations, interviews, and literature studies. The application was built using the Flutter and Codeigniter frameworks. In the final stage of dictionary application development, testing was carried out on the application's functionality using the black box method. The results of the test show that the application runs very well; all buttons and features work as they should after fixing bugs and problems found in the final test before launch.

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