
This research was conducted to determine the effectiveness of the loan repayment of the Women's Savings and Loans Group (SPP) in Patampanua District, Pinrang Regency. The sample was selected based on purposive sampling, namely the SPP group with known effective and ineffective revolving fund loan repayments. The number of samples is the same between each village, with the consideration that the selected villages are villages with groups that are effective and ineffective in repaying SPP loan funds, so this is considered quite representative. The results of the study show that the ratio of the effectiveness of repayment of loan funds for the Women's Savings and Loans (SPP) group in this region has decreased in the last 4 years, where the number of revolving loan funds has increased but along with the increase in the collectibility of members of the SPP group. This illustrates that the loan funds given to the SPP group in this area tend to have not been able to be managed properly so that UPK assistance is still needed.

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