
Agrotourism Jambe Asri Luwak Coffee is an alternative tour that utilizes the potential of plantation land which is packaged in a simple way without eliminating the traditional characteristics and local wisdom of Balinese culture and the concept of Tri Hita Karana . Luwak Coffee in Agro Tourism Jambe Asri is one of the tourist attractions that has the advantage of the process of making coffee that comes from civet feces (mongoose) which are processed through fermentation in the digestion of civet animals and become the most expensive coffee in the world with low caffeine.The purpose of this research is to find out the management of agrotourism that develops in Batubulan Village, specifically agrotourism management Jambe Asri Kopi Luwak. This research was conducted in June-July 2019. The theory used was management theory and perception theory. The data used in this study are qualitative and quantitative data as supporting data. The informants were selected using purposive sampling technique, while the sampling of respondents was based on accidental sampling techniques.The results of the discussion show that agrotourism Jambe Asri Kopi Luwak is an agrotourism that is developed and managed as an alternative tourist attraction in Batubulan Village. While in a management manner based on the application of management functions Planning, Organizing, Actuating and Controlling, which are divided into internal management, including structuring the location and organizational structure, facilities and empowering human resources and externally, management is carried out by establishing cooperative relations with travel agents, surrounding communities, as well as tourists. Tourist perceptions of management agrotourism Jambe Asri Luwak Coffee as a tourist attraction in terms of indicators of the existence of coffee products obtained a very good rating with a score of 4.46. Excellent Assessment was also obtained from the presentation indicators of services and facilities provided by the Jambe Asri agro-tourism team Kopi Luwak with a score of 4.31 and 4.26. while indicators that get a good rating are the conditions of the place and accessibility to tourist attractions with a score of 3.69 and 3.49.

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