
This study aims to determine the supervision of the Inspectorate's head on the performance of the Civil State Apparatus in the structural position of the Inspectorate of Central Kalimantan Province. Indicators used in measuring supervision Inspectorate head in this research are: Monitoring, Examination, Guidance and Direction, Discipline Action and Corrective Action.This research was conducted by using qualitative methodology, by conducting interviews to the Chief Inspectorate. The data obtained is then processed by reduction steps, data presentation and conclusion, the number of informants interviewed are 5 persons, 1 (one) Head of Inspectorate, 2 (two) Head of Section in Structural Position and 2 (two) State Civil Apparatus in Structural Position.Based on the results of research on the supervision of Inspectorate's head on the performance of State Civil Apparatus has been running but still not done with the maximum this is caused by every activity or work program is sometimes not submitted by each head of section and in accordance with supervision provisions seen from monitoring, examination, guidance and briefing, Disciplinary action and corrective action. Because basically State Civil Apparatus is the most important Human Resources for orgnanisasi in achieving its goals. In order for the objectives to be achieved then required supervision by the direct leadership.Factors that support and inhibit the supervision of the head of Inpektorat on the performance of the State Civil Apparatus include the supporting factors that is in terms of recording procedures and reporting of work program activities as well as in terms of absence or attendance, inhibiting factors include pakewuh culture, limited time and in terms of aspects of Civil State Apparatus That is character difference.


  • This study aims to determine the supervision of the Inspectorate's head on the performance of the Civil State Apparatus in the structural position of the Inspectorate of Central Kalimantan Province

  • Indicators used in measuring supervision Inspectorate head in this research are: Monitoring, Examination, Guidance and Direction, Discipline Action and Corrective Action

  • The data obtained is processed by reduction steps, data presentation and conclusion, the number of informants interviewed are 5 persons, 1 Head of Inspectorate, 2 Head of Section in Structural Position and 2 State Civil Apparatus in Structural Position

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Pengertian Pengawasan Dalam teori pengawasan menurut Kadarisman dalam buku Manajemen. Sedangkan menurut Siagian (2001:52) masih dalam buku Manajemen Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia pengawasan adalah suatu proses pengamatan kegiatan operasional yang dimaksudkan untuk lebih menjamin bahwa penyelenggaraannya sesuai dengan rencana yang telah ditetapkan sebelumnya. Secara umum pengawasan merupakan tindakan-tindakan perbaikan dalam pelaksanaan kerja agar supaya segala kegiatan sesuai dengan rencana yang telah ditetapkan, petunjuk-petunjuk dan instruksi-instruksi, sehingga tujuan yang telah ditentukan dapat tercapai. Dari beberapa penjelasan diatas maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengawasan merupakan tindakan-tindakan perbaikan dalam pelaksanaan kerja agar supaya segala kegiatan sesuai dengan rencana yang telah ditetapkan, petunjuk-petunjuk dan instruksiinstruksi, sehingga tujuan yang telah ditentukan dapat tercapai. Pengertian tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa kinerja sumber daya manusia adalah prestasi kerja atau hasil kerja (output) baik kualitas maupun kuantitas yang dicapai SDM persatuan periode waktu dalam melaksanakan tugas kerjanya sesuai dengan tanggung jawab yang diberikan kepadanya. Kinerja adalah hasil atau tingkat keberhasilan seseorang secara keseluruhan selama periode tertentu didalam melaksanakan tugas

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