
Silica xerogel is a multi-functional material that is useful in many industrial applications. In this research, we synthesized surface-modified silica xerogel and studied the effect of aging time, i.e., 0, 3, 6, 12, and 18 hours to the hydrophobicity of the synthesized material. The synthesis was conducted by the sol-gel method using sodium silicate precursors and a citric acid catalyst. Meanwhile, the surface modification was carried out through the silylation reaction using trimethylchlorosilane (TMCS) reagent. The resulting materials were characterized using infrared spectrophotometry (FTIR) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) methods. Hydrophobicity was measured by the contact angle formed by the water droplet with the xerogel surface and the spreading time of the droplet to be dispersed entirely on the surface. The silica xerogel produced at all aging time variations has an amorphous phase, characterized by 2θ = 22-26o of the XRD pattern. Si-CH3 and C-H vibrations at 848 cm-1 and 2962 cm-1 present in the FTIR spectrumconfirm the success of surface modification. The increasing aging time enhances the contact angle and spreading time of water droplets on xerogels, viz., 130o to 135o,and 3h 10min to 3h 28 min, respectively. Thus, the xerogels produced by this research are hydrophobic.


  • Silica xerogel is a multi-functional material that is useful in many industrial applications

  • The synthesis was conducted by the sol-gel method using sodium silicate precursors and a citric acid catalyst

  • Hydrophobicity was measured by the contact angle formed by the water droplet with the xerogel surface and the spreading time of the droplet to be dispersed entirely on the surface

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Silika gel adalah salah satu bentuk kimia dari senyawa silika (SiO2), yaitu material berpori yang memiliki luas permukaan tinggi. Silika xerogel umumnya disintesis dengan metode sol-gel menggunakan prekursor natrium silikat, TEOS (tetraetilortosilikat) atau TMOS (tetrametilortosilikat). Proses aging dilaporkan berpengaruh terhadap karakteristik luas permukaan, densitas, morfologi, ukuran dan volume pori dari silika hasil sintesis . Aging akan meningkatkan jejaring partikel gel yang membuatnya mampu menahan tekanan pada proses pengeringan. Kajian pengaruh waktu aging terhadap sifat hidrofobik silika xerogel termodifikasi permukaan relatif terbatas. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, pada penelitian ini dipelajari pengaruh waktu aging terhadap sifat hidrofobisitas silika xerogel termodifikasi TMCS yang disintesis menggunakan prekursor natrium silikat. Karakterisasi material dilakukan menggunakan metode spektrofotometri FTIR dan XRD, sedangkan sifat hidrofobik ditentukan melalui pengukuran sudut kontak dan waktu rembes (spreading time) tetesan air pada permukaan lapisan xerogel

Sintesis Silika Xerogel Termodifikasi TMCS
Karakterisasi Silika Xerogel Termodifikasi TMCS Hasil Sintesis
Sifat Hidrofobisitas Silika Xerogel Termodifikasi TMCS Pada Variasi Waktu Aging
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