
The research about the mixture of moringa leaf flour and rice bran on the growth of orgainic chicken on Joper chicken. var as a source of learning biology aims to determine the effect of feed from the mixture of moringa leaf flour (Moringa oleifera L) and rice bran on the growth of organic chickens (Gallus-gallus domesticus L. Joper chicken. var), then to find out certain variations of the mixture of moringa leaf flour (Moringa oleifera L) and rice bran which gives the best influence and to make posters that are used as a source of high school biology learning. The method used is a completely randomized design (CRD), experiments conducted with 3 treatments and 1 control. Control (0% moringa leaf flour), P1 (2.5% moringa leaf flour), P2 (5% moringa leaf flour) and P3 (7.5% moringa leaf flour). The parameters observed were weight, length, and diameter of the joper body.The results of the study were tested using a non-parametric statistical test or commonly called the kruskal wallis test. Kruskal wallis test results on chicken weight obtained X2value 4.09 <X2table 14.07 at α 0.05 means Ho is accepted, length measurements obtained results X2value = 3.61 <X2table = 14.07 at α 0.05 means Ho is accepted, diameter measurements obtained results X2 value = 4.2 <X2 table = 14.07 at α 0.05 means Ho is accepted.The conclusion from this study was the feed from the mixture of moringa leaf flour and rice bran did not have a significant effect on the growth of joper. The results of the used ranking from 5% Moringa leaf flour gave the best effect for weight gain of joper. Based on the results of the validation of learning resources shows that learning resources in the form of posters that are made were feasible to be used as a source of learning biology for high school students.Kata kunci: super java chicken, Indigofera, alternative feed, poster learning resources


  • var as a source of learning biology aims to determine the effect of feed from the mixture

  • make posters that are used as a source of high school biology learning

  • experiments conducted with 3 treatments

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Variabel yang Diamati Berat badan ayam joper

Berat badan ayam joper dapat diukur dengan menggunakan timbangan analitik dengan satuan gram.Semua sampel ulangan ditimbang untuk diambil datanya. Panjang badan ayam joper Panjang badan ayam joper diukur menggunakan meteran badan, pengukuran panjang badan ayam diambil dari pangkal leher ayam sampai pada ekor ayam.Semua sampel ulangan diukur untuk diambil datanya. Diameter badan ayam joper diukur menggunakan meteran badan, pengukuran diameter badan ayam dilakukan dengan cara melingkarkan meteran pada badan ayam bagian bawah dekat dengan paha. Semua sampel ulangan diukur untuk diambil datanya

Diameter Badan Ayam Joper
Perengkingan dapat dilihat pada gambar
Disuplementasi Konsentrat Protein
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