
Abstract After collapse the World Trade Center, make terrorism rumors and religious radicalism, especially islam is central rumors and be international attention. In indonesia, rumors about terrorism and religious radicalism is attention many sides after Balinese Bomb I and Balinese Bomb II. Of so much many religious terror events, executant predominantly from circle santri Pondok Pesantren Salaf. This study has deskriftif-kuantitatif, that is study to realize certain phenomenon and elaborated by using number score or rank. Result from this study mentions, that study system at salafiy influential towards Islamic fanaticism so strong in self Santri. Santri’s opinion that Islam religion that must they fight for and distribute to society variously. Perspective of santri about religious radicalism is only around that aspect. In other aspect, like nationalism, jihad, and their attitude is towards hebrew person and christian within measure standart. Keyword: The Pondok Pesantren Salaf, Religious Radicalism, Islamic Fanatism

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