
This study aims to find out and analyze the influence of (1) Education Level, (2) Investment, and (3) Wage Levels on the workforce that is actively working in Indonesia by using the panel regression equation model and using the Fixed Effect Model (FEM) approach. The estimation results show that (1) Education Level has a positive and significant effect on the workforce that is actively working in Indonesia, (2) Investment has a positive and not significant effect on the workforce that is actively working in Indonesia, (3) Wage Levels have a positive and significant effect on workforce that is actively working in Indonesia.This type of research is descriptive and associative. Data type is secondary data. This study uses panel data, which uses 32 provinces in Indonesia using the Fixed Effect Model (FEM) approach.The results of this study indicate that: (1) Education Level has a positive and significant effect on the Active Work Force in Indonesia (2) Investment has a positive effect and has no significant effect on the Active Work Force in Indonesia. (3) Wage Levels have a positive and significant effect on the Active Work Force in Indonesia. Keywords: Labor Force, Education Level, Investment, and Wage Level


  • PENDAHULUAN Hampir semua Negara menyadari bahwa pembangunan manusia tidak akan tercapai tanpa adanya pemberdayaan tenaga kerja

  • This study aims to find out and analyze the influence of (1) Education Level, (2) Investment, and (3) Wage Levels on the workforce that is actively working in Indonesia by using the panel regression equation model and using the Fixed Effect Model (FEM) approach

  • The estimation results show that (1) Education Level has a positive and significant effect on the workforce that is actively working in Indonesia, (2) Investment has a positive and not significant effect on the workforce that is actively working in Indonesia, (3) Wage Levels have a positive and significant effect on workforce that is actively working in Indonesia.This type of research is descriptive and associative

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PMDN Investasi

Tabel 2 menunjukkan bahwa Realisasi Investasi Penanaman Modal Dalam Negeri (PMDN) menurut 33 Provinsi di Indonesia yaitu investasi mengalami fluktuasi yaitu pada tahun 2014 investasi sebesar 21.83 persen sedangkan pada tahun 2015 investasi mengalami penurunan sebesar 14.95 persen dan pada tahun 2016 investasi kembali meningkat sebesar 20.49 persen. Tabel 3 menunjukkan bahwa upah minimum di Indonesia mengalami kenaikan setiap tahunnya, pada tahun 2014 rata-rata tingkat upah hanya sebesar Rp. 1,952,589 atau hanya 1.85 persen dan pada tahun 2015 rata-rata tingkat upah naik sebesar 5.98 persen dan pada tahun 2016 kembali meningkat sebesar 23.37 persen. Ilham Akbar (2011), mengatakan bahwa pengaruh pertumbuhan ekonomi dan upah Terhadap angkatan kerja Kota Makasar, dengan menggunakan metode analisis regresi linier berganda. Kesimpulan yang dihasilkan dalam penelitian tersebut adalah PDRB dan Upah Minimum berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap angkatan kerja di kota Makasar. Melihat fenomena yang telah dikemukakan diatas, maka penulis tertarik untuk meneliti dan mengkaji faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi Angkatan Kerja di Indonesia dalam bentuk skripsi yang berjudul “Pengaruh Tingkat Pendidikan, Investasi, dan Tingkat Upah Terhadap Angkatan Kerja Yang Aktif Bekerja di Indonesia”

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