
Social isolation is a condition of isolation from someone with schizophrenia so that the ability to interact with others decreases to be something negative. This study aims to determine the effect of cognitive behavioral therapy on the social interaction ability of social isolation clients in Bengkulu Province. The research method, this research is a quantitative study using a Quasi Experiment research design with a pre test and post test approach design without control group. The sample of this study was 30 people with total sampling techniques. The results of the study of social interaction ability of patients social isolation seen from the variables of cognitive abilities, affective and behavior. The average cognitive ability before giving therapy is 13.79, while after therapy is 19.88. The average affective ability before therapy was 14.58 while after therapy was 17.33. The average behavioral ability before therapy is 9.64 while after therapy is an average of 11.06. Based on the results of the t-dependent test, there were differences in the average score before and after the administration of Cognitive Behavior therapy, with the ρ value of each variable 0,000 (α = 0.05). Conclusion, Cognitive Behavior therapy has a significant effect on the ability of social interactions of social isolation patients in Bengkulu Province. Cognitive behavioral therapy is recommended as nursing therapy in treating social isolation clients with decreased social interaction abilities. Keywords: Cognitive behavioral therapy, Social interaction ability, Client social isolation


  • Social isolation is a condition of isolation from someone with schizophrenia so that the ability to interact with others decreases to be something negative

  • This study aims to determine the effect of cognitive behavioral therapy on the social interaction ability of social isolation clients in Bengkulu Province

  • The results of the study of social interaction ability of patients social isolation seen from the variables of cognitive abilities, affective and behavior

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Isolasi sosial merupakan suatu kondisi menyendiri dari seseorang pasien skizophrenia sehingga mengalami penurunan kemampuan berinteraksi dengan orang lain sehingga menjadi sesuatu yang negatif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh terapi perilaku kognitif terhadap kemampuan interaksi sosial klien isolasi sosial di Provinsi Bengkulu. Hasil penelitian kemampuan interaksi sosial pasien isolasi sosial dilihat dari variabel kemampuan kognitif, afektif dan perilaku. Kemampuan kognitif rata-rata sebelum pemberian terapi adalah 13,79, sedangkan sesudah terapi adalah 19,88. Kemampuan afektif rata-rata sebelum terapi adalah 14,58 sedangkan sesudah terapi adalah 17,33. Kemampuan perilaku rata-rata sebelum terapi adalah 9,64 sedangkan sesudah terapi adalah rata-rata 11,06. Berdasarkan hasil uji t-dependen didapatkan ada perbedaan rata-rata skor sebelum dan sesudah pemberian terapi Perilaku Kognitif, dengan ρ value masing-masing variabel 0,000 (α = 0,05). Kesimpulan, terapi Perilaku Kognitif berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap kemampuan interaksi sosial pasien isolasi sosial di Provinsi Bengkulu. Terapi perilaku kognitif direkomendaikan sebagai terapi keperawatan dalam merawat klien isolasi sosial dengan penurunan kemampuan interaksi sosial. Kata kunci : Terapi perilaku kognitif, Kemampuan interaksi sosial, Klien isolasi sosial

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